Louisville-Based. Experienced Attorneys. Compassionate Counsel. Respected Team.

The team of Professionals At Derby City Family Law

Attorneys Guiding You Through All Aspects Of Your Divorce

In divorce, you will be dealing with a multitude of important legal issues, including determinations about the custody of children, calculation of child support, allocation of both assets and debt incurred during the marriage, and spousal maintenance (alimony). The court will also make determinations about the allocation of any nonmarital property; i.e. property that is excluded from the marital estate for some reason, most often a property that was owned by one party prior to the marriage, or property received via an inheritance.

Derby City Family Law focuses exclusively on family law and divorce. This allows us to offer comprehensive representation and in-depth knowledge to each case we take. In addition, we provide experienced representation in family law mediation and appellate concerns.

How Property Division Works In Kentucky

There is a presumption that all property acquired during the marriage is “marital property,” and the party claiming any nonmarital property must prove his or her entitlement to such property. It is therefore important to have an attorney who understands the complexities of this process in order to fully protect your interests in any nonmarital property.

Married couples almost certainly accumulate debt during the course of their marriage, and unlike property accumulated during the marriage, there is no presumption that debt is mutually owned. We will work with you to assess the character of both your assets and debts. Whether you are simply contemplating filing for divorce or already involved in the process, hiring the right attorney is critical.

Help For Clients In Minimally Contested Divorce Cases

Before contacting attorneys, some spouses have already come to an agreement on nearly every issue posed by the divorce, including custody of and parenting time with children, allocation of marital assets and marital debt, and child support. These cases tend to be far quicker and easier for all involved, but they still require legal work. Therefore, it may be unwise to try and proceed without at least some help from an attorney. Any money or time you save on the front end may pale in comparison to the costs of fixing an error or oversight during the legal process.

If most issues are already worked out but there are some points of contention, mediation may be an ideal choice for you. If there are truly no contested matters, our attorneys are ready to help you review legal documents and assist with court filings. In short, we are here for as much or as little as your case requires.

Have Questions? Contact Us For Answers.

To take advantage of a free initial consultation with one of our skilled family law attorneys, call our office in Louisville at 502-362-2600. You can also reach us via email.